Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Observations at the immigration queue !!
Now when I reached Heathrow, I saw two different counters
1. British and EU passports and
2. All other passports.
Of course,we lesser mortals ( all other passports ) reluctantly dragged our bodies and luggage towards a serpentine queue . I was just wondering why I was at the end of the queue , then I remembered the time I spent at the washroom searching for my hair brush and then restoring my makeup ..Some people have better sense to use washrooms after the immigration checks..a pointer for next time .
I had some 300 people ahead of me and a nerd of a guy behind me ,he was the only person after me ..and this fella was cursing all the while , sometimes his luggage , sometimes his phone , sometimes the immigrations , sometimes I couldn’t make out whom. And then I started observing people to pass the time, he wasn’t much of a company unless I wanted a lesson on cuss words.
The first person I see when I join this queue every time am there, is a Punjabi lady...This time again she was speaking to anther Punjabi brit and this is the conversation I overheard
Lady1 : Are u in tomorrow ?
Lady2 :Yeaaaaa
Lady1 : cheti ayi fer ( come on time )
Lady2 ..haan haan ..I know
Lady2 comes to lady 1 . Appreciates her thick gold bangles
Lady2: They are niceeee
Lady1 : haan I got them done last time I was in India …Hune gayi si 2 mahine pehle ..
Etc etc ….part Punjabi and part English conversation continued …and then I had to move forward missing their conversation ….. I absolutely love how they switch from perfect Brit accent to perfect Punjabi accent in the same sentence ..:)
Second set of people who attracted my attention were three ladies , In almost identical track suits.From my reliable fashion blog site, I know that it’s a designer one !! So, we have three good looking ladies in pink , blue and red tracks ..Same brand same style, and wearing goggs ( yea inside the airport ) with YSL tribute totes ( similar ones all three of them ) …I don’t know if they do bulk shopping or they like to look like a band whenever travelling , or someone sponsored their trip .
Next I saw a newly wed couple. Gal must be travelling for the first time. she was all excited and the sparkle in her eyes told it all , guy was being a proud guide , feeding her stories in bits and pieces. I smiled at them, they smiled back.
Then there was this cute kid, I had met him in the flight , whenever I ask him anything , he will sing like an opera singer .He must be 3 yrs old or so. He was placed almost parallel to me in the queue so I could bug him as we keep on walking.
Then I saw a Gucci mama, beautiful overcoat, nice pearls, a big rock, and an elegant grey flower clip on her hair .she was elegance and style personified. What a lovely sight!!…at immigration queue ??Never mind the place , she was awesome !
I saw someone wearing a big skirt,I looked up slowly, it wasn’t a girl , he was almost 7 feet tall and this huge guy was wearing a dress and coat ..from a distance it looked like skirt and a blazer …I was staring and so were others. Probably they don’t make pants of that size,or it was more comfortable .Was it ethnic wear or a style statement .I was too tempted to ask ..but then he didn’t have a friendly face ..
As we keep on moving at the surprisingly slow pace , I noticed that out of 22+ counters , we had immigration officers at only 6 0r 7 of them …cant they have more people there to speed up the process ??
There were many Indian students who have been held at immigrations, and were told to wait. I could sense the panic in their faces .what if they had t go back home? How different their state of mind had been when they boarded the plane few hours ago? how things change so fast.
And there were people from various countries , Indians , pakistanis , Chinese , Japanese , Iranians etc etc …It was a good mix of people , that kept me amused for whole 1 hour. Damn u Mr. Murphy !!!
p.s .I am at Uk for 2 weeks and enjoying it so far :)
Sunday, 24 January 2010
One Kid in the family ???
He is given all attention and time , there is no hush hush to his questions. Everyone takes pain and effort to explain him simple things in life .It took him a day to understand that his Grand father is my father and his father my brother,when I appeared out of nowhere after a year, but nobody lost patience . As it’s not safe nowadays to send your kids to the neighbours to play , everyone take turns to keep him entertained. I was startled when mummy once said that he has an imaginary friend ‘Panuj’, with whom he plays and talks. Is he craving for his own age company, a friend a sibling??? May be ..
Things would change when he will be in school, he will find friends there , but what if he will long for a sister or a brother when he will see other friends talking about their brothers and sisters. My family is quite sure they don’t want another kid , and I respect that .I totally go crazy handling him for 1 hour. But, when I remember my childhood, it’s so beautiful because of the relation I had with my brother. We grew up like best friends, we still are .He is just 1 and half year younger to me , so we played and fought together ,shared secrets and sometimes even friends. The only pic I took while leaving home is a pic of me holding him in my lap when I was 3 year old and he of 1 and half.
At the same time , my mom was a home maker and bhabhi is still studying and intent to work from next year, and my mom is done with her share of raising children . I strongly believe grand-parents are there to lend a helping hand and not doing half of parenting .A child is sole responsibility of his/ her parent’s .So the decision should also be theirs. I cannot see myself raising two kids ( I am not even talking of giving birth here ), so I can understand what’s in bhabhi’s mind. Yet, something about single kid in a family bothers me.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Happy New Year 2010
As another year comes to an end and a New year promising Joy and happiness beckons , it’s time for me to sit back and count my blessings , make a note of things I could have done /handled better , thank God and family for being there , and to pray and plan for this year.
2009 was an year of missed opportunities and uncertainties .Things looked promising at one point and overnight I had a totally different scenario .This was particularly true at job front, but even my personal life was not far from it. But in the end I thank God for no major shocks and pray that this year at least few of the “tentative” things materialize.
I had a bad year as far as health is concerned. I felt sick almost every week, as a result my immune system got totally battered. I took a break from work and am spending one month with my family to regain health and thank God, I feel better and look better. The magic of mom never fails to work.
2009 was an year when I finally learnt to handle relationships better, be it with friends, guys, family and relatives, I learnt to be firm without being rude, when to argue and when to hold on, whom to avoid and whom to indulge with .No more of old emotional me for this year as well, as I am determined to keep negative people and thoughts at bay.
I had this yearning all through last year to pray more and to be with God more often in my own little way; unfortunately I could not do that. Though in Last couple of weeks I managed to pray often and more .This is one thing I am determined to keep doing in the coming years. I feel lost without Him.
I had messed up financial stats till last year, I got everything back to track….I‘ll call it an achievement.
For many months my mind was in strange state of “inactivity” , I just relaxed and did nothing , and one fine day I feel like writing again , I feel best when I can take out my pen and paper and write till me fingers ache.
I did lots of shopping, partied and met lots of people. And I can see parties and people in 2010 too… do I need more excuses to shop.
I spend lot of quality time with my family after 6 years, and also met some old friends, got in touch with old buddies through FB/orkut . Some relations defy time and distance .thank God for these wonderful people in my life.
I shifted house and first time in my life spend more time choosing curtains and bed sheets than my cloths, I never knew I love decorating home. I recently got cushions with silk embroidery and some artifacts, my New Year gift to my home. I wish to change my house again this year, and this time I’d rather shift to my own house instead of rented one.
In 2010, I wish to travel, get better job, and get some romance back in my life and to have good health so that I can enjoy them.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Fantasies .... and reality :)
Last few days have been interesting, well! A little more than interesting. I had to take off from project as I desperately needed a break and haven’t been home (jammu) for more than a year now. still instead of rushing home to meet my darling nephew and spend some time with family , I just stayed at home at Bangalore .I thought I’ll be reading some technical stuff , but end up partying and reading novels ….and yes ,sleeping. I have been partying a lot of late, meeting new people and visiting new places, and with that come different experiences.
So, I went out with this cool couple .we had fun time .We talked crap all night and boozed and danced away the evening .And after two days , I get this message from this guy that what I think about threesome . He put this thought forward as if it was the most natural thing to follow after that evening .Surprisingly , I wasn’t appalled or even thrilled .My reaction was a hearty laugh at the thought and polite No as answer .In fact ,in theory I find multi-partner sex quite interesting , at the same time I cannot imagine myself a part of this sexual experimentation.
As far as I am considered, I cannot dream of sharing my partner with anyone , and at the same time I cannot be intimate with anyone unless I am really in love with the person . so, such an experimentation is out of question ..At least as of now. But at the same time , I don’t think it’s a bad deed for people who are anyways in relations because of reasons other than love .If it’s just for fun relation, then why not have more fun .
I discussed this with couple of my friends ..let me share the reactions.
First guy was like go ahead , we hardly meet such couples in real , there is no harm in trying this .And when I said , I am not interested , his reaction was “ Are you afraid of getting naked in front of a couple at the same time?” afraid was definitely what I was feeling .after few minutes he was like “ Do it if you are upto some fun and experimentation and if you like the couple ..or just say no and enjoy ..:) He was also pretty much cool with the idea.
The second dude suddenly was all attentive and wanted more details. How do I know the couple? How long we have been friends? What the guy exactly said ? What was my reply? What all we talked on that day when we were partying? And all such questions .after a brief analysis came the response “ What about converting threesome into foursome ?and then I disappointed him by telling that I don’t indulge in casual sex .Of course he was just teasing me but then I cannot rule out that this didn’t give him ideas.
I am yet to discuss this with my gal pals, will keep you guys posted of their reactions.
Now this situation made me sit down and think, Is casual sex for fun has really come out of fantasies and find a place in our homes. So, My question to you my fellow friends is “How would you react to this question/ situation in real life”. Has any one of you faced such situation and has anyone indulged in this in real? I know that most of the guys would jump at the opportunity, but I want to know if the same guy is really OK with his partner to be involved in this. have you ever discussed the topic with your partner ?I would particularly want to know what the ladies think about this. What would be your reaction if your partner suggests such experimentation? And if ever you are game for it, will you like to go with a known friend or a total stranger.
I know most people will publicly condemning the idea , it might be even disgusting to some .But here what I am looking for is not a debate on society , family values and culture .I am seeking answers about the feeling part .what’s your natural guilt free reaction to it ? Deep within what you think about the whole issue of multi-partner sex.
I wrote this all over a cup of coffee at 5:30 Am at the airport yesterday. Some thoughts just can’t stay in, they have to be poured .
More about the journey …in the next blog …and if you have noticed I am back to blogosphere after a long break.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Ten things ...